A History of Carmel Valley’s Berta Ranch
31 pages (8.5 x 11 format), 60+ photos
John and Attilio Berta emigrated from the Maggia River Valley in Ticino, an Italian canton in Switzerland that had a rugged terrain, many vineyards and dairy farms similar to Carmel Valley’s. The couple were part of a large migration to America and Australia in the late 19th century due to food shortages and economic hardships in Europe. The Berta Ranch was established in 1887 and for the next 112 years John Berta and his family helped shape the history and character of Carmel Valley. This is a story of courage, hardship, good times, and true grit.
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* Purchase price includes 7.75% sales tax
* All proceeds are donated to the Society by the author
* All proceeds are donated to the Society by the author